November 4th ~ Along Came a Spider
It's funny, I haven't posted for awhile mostly because I have too much to say....and on different I couldn't think of a way to organize it. And then I realized: This is a BLOG, dammit! I can do whatever I want! Organized, Schmorganized!
First, let me take you back to Halloween:
(blurry screen fade........return picture to a dark street of 16 houses lit with jack-o-lanterns)
NO NO NO....before that!
(blurry screen fade......return picture to 7:25am October 31st)
"I decided I want to wear a costume to school, Mom," said my 7th grader. (Note: I'm going to look like a push-over in this next section, but really I'm not. I just try to let them have a little creative freedom . Unfortunately, with freedom of expression comes chaos. lol)
"But your ride will be here in 5 minutes! What are you going to be?"
"Can you just do my face with make-up?" he asks.
"Ok..but let's hurry!!!!"
So I frantically make him scary looking........he leaves....hasn't had breakfast....arghh.
7:40am Calling out to my 6 yr old daughter, "Do you have your Dorothy costume on?"
"No, I want to be a lamb!" (The lamb costume is a lamb furry type thing we've had in the dress-up box since she was about 2)
"But honey, Dorothy is such a great costume and next year those ruby slippers won't fit you!"
"Mom PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE..I don't want to be Dorothy! I want to be a cute lamb! Can you make my face all white like a lamb?"
She looks in the mirror and bursts into tears. "I look like a clown! I look scary!"
Wipe-off wipe-off wipe-off wipe-off ...white make-up now all over me.... "Ok, how about just a black nose and pink lips and sparkles on your cheeks?"
"Ok, Mommy."
7:55am My 6th Grader: "Mom, I can't wear this mask to'll be too hot! Can you do my face instead?"
We have to leave in 5 minutes.
Suddenly I feel the need to breathe into a paper bag...
"Ok...if we do it quickly! Get your shoes on! MissM put your lunch in your backpack!... Ok..Now what am I making you up as?"
"A dead kid."
"A dead kid?"
"Isn't that kind of digusting?"
"Mom! It's Halloween!"
"Arrrrgh ok...."
So he wore normal clothes....and I made his face ashen...with blue-ish lips.... He looked horrible. He loved it.
(blurry screen fade.............return picture to 4:00pma warm and inviting kitchen filled with12-14 adult friends and the smell of spicy comfort foods...and their kids in costumes streaming in and out, laughing, playing and eating.)
My friend LisRay has this wonderful, annual, "pre-trick-or-treating" dinner party. Everyone gathers in the late afternoon, eats wonderful food, and leaves shortly after dark. She always thinks that this is the last year she is doing it...because I'm sure it's a ton of work. Not only all of the wonderful food she prepares, and getting her house ready...but she makes fun, interesting, gift bags for each family to take home with them. So LisRay, we'll be there next year! :) Just you TRY getting out of it. :) lol It's as fun as your Mardi Gras party!
(Blurry screen fade............back to that dark street of 16 houses lit with jack-o-lanterns)
And now we return to the focus of my blog brewing of the last few days...
My neighbor across the street has the hots for my hubby. L is happily married, but she had recently lost a lot of weight, and she is a big flirt. This doesn't bother me. I'm flirty with friends whom I feel safe with...and who FULLY know I'm all playful talk (except with'd never take it further than that. Plus I talk in general flirt terms referring to moments with hubby. I never direct it to desire for another man. My husband, R, is fun to flirt with because he get flustered, or speechless fairly easily. I think he enjoys her attentions. She flirts with me too. It's fine. It's funny. However.....oddly enough....on Halloween strange things happen.... my "comfort level" gets pushed.
L LOVES halloween. Her entire house is decked out. She spends a huge amount of money on costumes for herself and her kids. Her husband just helps her decorate and watches events unfold indulgently. Anyway, when L was heavier, her costumes were more Renaissance or Goth in nature. Last year she was an extremely sexy French Maid, dusting the concrete steps of my front porch whenever she thought my hubby might be near. I laughed. It was cute and funny.
THIS YEAR, she dressed as Little Miss Muffett....and OH what a tuffett! The top portion of her short pink gingham dress was like a thin white peasant blouse....she wore no bra. The petticoats poofed the skirt out so provacatively that all she had to do was cough, and her little ruffled panties were exposed. As soon as we drove up from the dinner party, she called R over to her front yard to show him. Her husband was there. This was all out in the open....but her flirting was outrageous...very "directed" at R.
Anyway, I played it normally. But it was hard to not stare at her nipples even for me. lol I think R was a little taken aback. He could feel the shift from
light-hearted, racy, flirting, to full-blown "I want to give you a blow job right here on the lawn in front of my husband" flirting. R left with the kids to take them Trick-or-treating....and I stayed home passing out candy to 250 kids (not exaggerating)...and visited with L in the middle of the street between mobs of kids at our door. As I watched her aim her do-me-now-you-know-you-want-me focus at every unsuspecting father out with his kids that passed by.....I began to relax.
But even eyes are open a little wider....just in case I need to be that spider who frightens Miss Muffett away.
At 2:05 PM,
I n g e r said…
I have to admit, that shit would piss me off big time, and I'd have made a snide comment--laughing to diffuse it--directly to her about those nipples scaring the neighborhood kids. Honestly.
We were wrapping up our trick-or-treating when two teenage girls popped out of a house in these French maid getups. No mystery; the things were easily 2 sizes too small. Maisie and Liam stopped in their tracks, eyes popping out of their heads, riveted. "Over my dead body, Maisie," I said, and we all kept going.
Call me Prudella of the East! :)
At 2:39 PM,
The Seeker said…
Have Ms. Muffet visit me...
At 9:59 AM,
WarriorM said…
What is it about Halloween that brings the slutty out in women? Craig and I were zombies, but then we go to this costume party and I see slutty catwoman, slutty, bunny and slutty red riding hood!
Little Miss Muffet sucks!
At 9:59 AM,
WarriorM said…
I'm not bitter!
At 3:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, so I know you must have felt immense pressure to make our halloween to do better than it really is. Don't you regret letting me in on our blog?! Anyway, dear friend, I say, who wants a husband that no one else wants? Hopefully R got all flustered and came home to momma for his own nipples to suck. :) (Well not his own nipples, damn, you know what I mean!)
At 7:17 AM,
Trudy Booty Scooty said… but the "nice" in me won out before I could make a snide crack. Besides...oddly enough I do like this woman. She just went way over the top this year.
Seeker....I'm shipping her to you UPS. Although she may never return to her hubby after experiencing you. Or next year she'll be in leather and be Little Mistress Muffett. (g)
Mary.... I don't know. I think there is a part of own inner slut (although I prefer to call her my inner seductress)...that kind of understands it. But I try to keep the outlet for that to behind closed doors. Maybe on Halloween its a way for a woman to say
"See, you might think I'm
a PTA/Soccer/Mom....but look at what's underneath all of that! I'm still seductive and erotic."
AND no you don't sound bitter. lol
Lis....I blogged about your party because it was a BLAST, you silly woman. And really I don't want to imagine R sucking his own nipples.(A physical impossiblility!) lol I'd prefer he watch me doing that trick. LOL! That's not a Cinderella costume in my book. I wonder if that's what L is wearing next year. LOL Luckily L does redeem herself the rest of the year.
At 9:47 AM,
Webmiztris said…
lol - yeah, neighbor lady sounds like trouble - you better keep your eye out... :)
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