October 17th ~ 7 Things
7 Things I Plan to do Before I Die: (Format gleefully stolen from Inger's blog) ~ grin ~
* Get this stupid excess weight off of my bones..because really...I'm sick of it.
* Follow my long-held-always-put-off dream and become a voice-over personality for radio and TV commercials.
* Swim with dolphins.
* Travel to Ireland with hubby and the kids.
* See my children become happy, successful adults and know my grandchildren.
* Become more organized.
* Continue to make sure hubby always knows how wonderfully in love with him I am. I plan to be having an affair with him until the end.
7 things I cannot do:
* I can't enjoy shopping...unless it's for presents for people or something wickedly X-rated. lol Or I suppose if I won the Lottery....I could enjoy shopping without thought to cost! :)
* Tolerate bickering. They always need "yard duty" help at the kids' school. NO WAY would I put myself in that position. I couldn't handle it.
* I can't help being over-emotional. Happy? I cry. Sad? I cry. Completely pissed off? I cry. In the throes of an earth-shattering orgasm? I cry.
* I will never enjoy house cleaning. I wish I could.
* Laugh quietly.
* I can't tolerate racism or racist humor. I love a good joke....but not in that subject area.
* Understand algebra.
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
* Integrity: Someone who does the right thing...even if no one else is doing it.
* Brains: I love to be kept on my toes....and intellect turns me on.
* Wit: Fun, verbal sparring, with laughter...what's not to like?
* Kindness :)
* Insight: Someone who sees what is inside of all people....and not just their outsides.
* A creative, erotic, active, so-hot-for-me-he-can't-walk, sex-drive
* Love of children.
7 things that I say most often:
* I love you
* Please just let me think my own thoughts for a minute!
* Oh God....yesssssss ohhhhh god...yeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss
* Did you brush your teeth and put on deodorant?
* Could you guys please help me for a minute?
* Stuff it in, cram it in, I'm never buying it again (a phrase brought to life by my Mother-In-Law)
* Ask Dad
7 celebrity crushes :
* Patrick Stewart: I'd "make it so" for him any time!
* Gene Wilder: I have always loved him ~ ever since he made Charlie's dreams come true.
* Conin O'Brien: He's such a riot...and I love his Irishy-boyish-looks
* Chris Noth: He'd be great in bed
* The Rock: This needs an explanation? I think knot (g)
* Robin Williams: Ok...he would be exhausting to know.....but oh so worth it
* Alan Rickman: Oh my ...ohhhhh my........yes...ohhhhhh yeeeeeeesssssss
7 People I wish to do this:
All of you. Please! Even you non-bloggers!
At 8:11 PM,
I n g e r said…
AH, I love it!! Alan Rickman--why didn't I remember him!?
You're wonderful, Trudy. Come to Connecticut; stop off on the way to Cork.
At 1:07 PM,
CrackerLilo said…
I loved this whole thing, especially your inclusion of "the Atheist's Prayer" in your things you say list! Makes me happy for you! :-D
At 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can relate to a lot of things on your lists. Unfortunately, the orgasmic cry in your "Things I say OFTEN" list isn't one of them -- you lucky girl.
At 8:05 AM,
Webmiztris said…
that may be the most unusual list of celeb crushes I've EVER seen.... :)
At 8:20 AM,
Trudy Booty Scooty said…
Inger ~ I'll drag you with me to Cork ok? I'd love to see Connecticut one day...I've only seen if from the window of a train thus-far.
Cracker ~ lol I've never heard it called that. Perfect!
Gina ~ Am I lucky..or do I just have too much time on my ...er...hands...? (snicker)
Dawn ~ I think variety is a good thing. LOL!
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