The Inedible Journey

A quirky pile of ramblings

Sunday, July 17, 2005

July 17th ~ Procrastination Queen

You know that ABBA song, Dancing Queen? I need to rewrite the words for me.

Procrastination Queen
Mind not clean (A good subject for another post :) )
Way over seventeen....

etc etc... lol

You see, the thing is, I got myself a job.

It's part time. ~ 5 hours a week to not be in "Mommy Mode"....

This is a good thing (spoken in my best Martha Stewart voice lol) .

But I work from home... DO you hear me??? I WORK FROM HOME!

And that measly 5 hours needs my FULL concentration...

Ok.....for those of you who are channeling may not understand this........but HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT GET DISTRACTED?

I sit down at the computer, cup of hot coffee in my hand, smiling to myself over what I'm about to accomplish.....and voila ~

The phone rings....

So I don't answer it, wait til it stops ringing, sign onto the computer so that my phone is busy and I won't get any calls.....and voila ~

I begin wondering about things I can look up on the web....or I see a friend I feel like instant messaging....

So I turn off my computer sounds, and go back into the field I need to be working in........and voila ~

What's that smell? Did I accidentally leave a load of laundry in the washer? Shit!

So I redo the laundry, sit back down at the computer (my coffee is cold but I try to ignore that).......and voila ~

The doorbell rings. It's the kindergarten crew looking for my daughter.....I know I don't answer the door. They'll go away.


Good I answer the door, give them a band-aid, explain where my daughter is, let them use the bathroom, give them a cup of water, let them borrow our 4-square ball, AND SHUT THE DOOR after they promise to not knock for two hours.




"But will she be HOME in 2 hours? Do you have a napkin? We're getting a new dog. I saw Free Willy last night! My sister had McDonalds."

How is anyone supposed to work?

I need a nap.


  • At 8:23 AM, Blogger Jaded said…

    I completely understand. I work from home, too. 20 hours a week. But, I have students coming in and out, so it's easier to focus.

    And yes, if you can figure out links, you can add me. I just did it by going into the templates and scrolling down till I found the spot that had the links...then I copied and pasted, and changed the information. Sounds confusing, but it really isn't.

  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger I n g e r said…

    Honey, it is IMPOSSIBLE. (I've been working from home for years now. Love it, hate it. Love it a lot more than hate it, though. Just let go of that whole dream of perfectionism...)

    Middlesex, huh? I'll go look for it tonight. Thanks for the tip!


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