The Inedible Journey

A quirky pile of ramblings

Sunday, September 04, 2005

September 4th ~ A hero

I have been unable to post since Katrina. I can't seem to do anything but watch the news...and wish I lived closer so I could help.

Sending money just doesn't feel like enough.

All of those people.... it just breaks my heart. I wish I could scoop up a family and take them into our home or something.....but Calif is so far from the disaster.

I decided to read a few of my favorite blogs today......and I came across a hero. I'm not asking him if I can post this link to his blog ..... hopefully he'll tell me if I shouldn't have.

Read his post of a couple of days ago called "Briefing for Decent into Hell"

Thank you STB. And thank you Houston.

"Houston we have a problem" ~ Historically the land of heros.


  • At 8:57 AM, Blogger WarriorM said…

    I really can relate to your feeling that sening $ doesn't feel like enough. I too wish I could do more. The rebuilding is going to take a loooong time, maybe we'll be able to help through that process.


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