April 6th ~ Am I nuckin futs?
We got a dog.
Our dog of 17 years passed away about a year and a half ago.
We've talked casually now and then about getting another. I'd walk through the animal shelter once every few months...but I wasn't really sold on getting a dog again. Hubby DEFINITELY wasn't sold on the idea.
But last weekend I found one.
She's an 11 month old brown mutt.....looks like a Schnauzer/Terrier/Pointer mix. She's about 20 pounds, brown, adorable yet sorta homely (hard to explain), and in need of a bath.
The shelter people said she passed the behavior tests with flying colors. They could take food out of her mouth and tug on her while she was eating etc...and she remained sweet and docile. The kids met her Tuesday night. Two of the three LOVED her. My oldest was more ambivalent about the whole idea of getting a dog.
We were number 2 on the list to adopt her yesterday.
Family number 1 never showed up.
I felt sudden panic. Oh my God....am I doing the right thing? Do we want a dog? Except underneath all of that..I still felt like if we were going to get a dog....this one would be right for our family.
So I picked up the kids from school.....called hubby to see if he could meet us at the shelter (he hadn't met the dog yet) and held my breath.
The kids and I were on the lawn outside of the shelter with the dog when hubby drove up. He took one look at all of us and the dog, and I could tell he was partially won over.
The dog had been playing in that pouncing puppy kind of way with me and the kids....but when hubby walked over her whole demeanor changed. She sat down and started thumping her tail against the ground and looked at him with her ears perked up.....so sweetly! When he offered her his hand to sniff.....she licked it in a very ladylike fashion....and sat on his feet like, "I'm the best, most obedient, docile, dog in the world! Pick me! Pick me!" lol It was so funny. She completely won hubby over. He walked her around and she walked right next to him. With the rest of us she was bouncing around tugging at the leash.
Back inside I filled out the paperwork....and wrote the check (jeeeeeeeez it's expensive to adopt a dog) and she sat with hubby next to my chair licking me now and then. Our daughter climbed on my lap while I was writing....so then the dog thought she could too. lol
We can't pick her up until next week after she's "fixed"....so we'll be visiting her in the Big House until then.
I woke up this morning in a panic. Do I even want a dog?
At 8:07 AM,
christine mtm said…
yes, you are nuts... but then i have a pound dog who drivs me crazy too.
enjoy the new addition!!!
At 5:59 AM,
Heidi said…
I'm a dog lover and no your are not nuts..lol Enjoy.
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Awwww Trud! You know how I feel about it already! And just think, now YOUR dog gets to write her own diary on Dogster.com! I look forward to reading that, too :)
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your new family member. I admit to being a lil bit envious :o)
At 7:18 PM,
sttropezbutler said…
I see lots of new posts coming!
At 6:58 PM,
lastlifeinmyuniverse said…
no, your not futs. your nuts ;) kiddin.
no regrets now. dont forget to post pictures of it :)
At 8:02 AM,
sjobs said…
Congrats on the new family addition. Kiran would love a dog but I am not ready to have to be home at a certain time and so on.
At 9:45 AM,
BostonPobble said…
I ended up with Lionel and Daisy in much the same way. Sure...I wanted them but ... Wait! You mean *NOW*? Who knows if you're nuts or not. Just enjoy the new one either way.
At 8:13 PM,
WarriorM said…
From a girl who has THREE dogs, I think you made an excellent choice! I can't wait until you post pictures of her. One of my three is a pound dog and he's the greatest! He's smart, loyal and still active at 9. Congrats, chica!
At 9:39 AM,
Webmiztris said…
yeah. you do. :)
At 6:16 PM,
G-Man said…
YOu will love the dog! IT's a great addition to the family. Animals are just another thing to share the love.
At 11:48 AM,
WarriorM said…
Okay, here it is April 15th and no new posts about the dog. Did she eat you all or is this just a busy time? How's it going with the new addition? Enquiring minds want to know!
At 6:32 AM,
Heidi said…
Just checking in..Hope all is well.
At 11:03 AM,
Twisted Lady said…
Aw....Of course you did!
We have a house full of pets, kids etc.
"It's a house full o' love"
Enjoy your new baby....
At 2:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is very interesting site...
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