The Inedible Journey

A quirky pile of ramblings

Monday, February 27, 2006

February 27th ~ Grace Kelly

(Hey...a cheesey quiz....but it's a cute indulge me. :) )

Which Movie Star Are You?

Ever wonder which movie star you are most like? Don't read ahead please! A team of researchers got together and analyzed the personalitiesof movie stars. The gathered info has been incorporated into this quiz. There are only 10 questions. Answer each question with the choice that most describes you at this point in your life, and then add up the points that correspond with your answers.

Don't look ahead or you will ruin the fun!

1. Which describes your perfect date?
a) Candlelight dinner for two
b) Amusement Park
c) Rollerblading in the park
d) Rock Concert
e) Have dinner & see a movie
f) Dinner at home with a loved one

2. What is your favorite type of music?
a) Rock and Roll
b) Alternative
c) Soft Rock
d) Classical
e) Christian
f) Jazz

3. What is your favorite type of movie?
a) Comedy
b) Horror
c) Musical
d) Romance
e) Documentary
f) Mystery

4. Which of the following jobs would you choose if you were given onlythesechoices?
a) Waiter/Waitress
b) Sports Player
c) Teacher
d) Policeman
e) Bartender
f) Business person

5. Which would you rather do if you had an hour to waste?
a) Work out
b) Make out
c) Watch TV
d) Listen to the radio
e) Sleep
f) Read

6. Of the following colors, which do you like best?
a) Yellow
b) White
c) Sky blue
d) Teal
e) Gold
f) Red

7. Which one of the following would you like to eat right now?
a) Ice cream
b) Pizza
c) Sushi
d) Pasta
e) Salad
f) Lobster Tail

8. Which is your favorite holiday?
a) Halloween
b) Christmas
c) New Year's
d) Valentine's Day
e) Thanksgiving
f) Fourth of July

9. If you could go to any of the following places, which would it be?
a) Reno
b) Spain
c) Las Vegas
d) Hawaii
e) Hollywood
f) British Columbia

10. Of the following, who would you rather spend time with?
a) Someone who is smart
b) Someone with good looks
c) Someone who is a party animal
d) Someone who has fun all the time
e) Someone who is very emotional
f) Someone who is fun to be with

Now total up your points on each question:
1. a-4 b-2 c-5 d-1 e-3 f-6
2. a-2 b-1 c-4 d-5 e-3 f-6
3. a-2 b-1 c-3 d-4 e-5 f-6
4. a-4 b-5 c-3 d-2 e-1 f-6
5. a-5 b-4 c-2 d-1 e-3 f-6
6. a-1 b-5 c-3 d-2 e-4 f-6
7. a-3 b-2 c-1 d-4 e-5 f-6
8. a-1 b-3 c-2 d-4 e-5 f-6
9. a-4 b-5 c-1 d-4 e-3 f-6
10. a-5 b-2 c-1 d-3 e-4 f-6

NOW, take your total and find out which Movie Star you are:

(10-17 points) You are MADONNA:
You are wild and crazy and you know it. You know how to have fun, but you may take it to extremes. You know what you are doing though, and are much in control of your own life. People don't always see things your way, but that doesn't mean that you should do away with your beliefs. Try to remember that your wild spirit can lead to hurting yourself and others.

(18-26 points) You are DORIS DAY:
You are fun, friendly, and popular! You are a real crowd pleaser. You have probably been out on the town your share of times, yet you come home with the values that your mother taught you. Marriage and children are very important to you, but only after you have fun. Don't let the people you please influence you to stray.

(27-34 points) You are DEBBIE REYNOLDS:
You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of back stabbers, and you are worry-free.

(35-42 points) You are GRACE KELLY:
You are a lover. Romance, flowers, and wine are all you need to enjoy yourself. You are serious about all commitments and are a family person. You call your Mom every Sunday, and never forget a Birthday. Don't let your passion for romance get confused with the real thing.

(43-50 points) You are KATHERINE HEPBURN:
You are smart, a real thinker. Every situation is approached with a plan. You are very healthy in mind and body. You don't take crap from anyone. You have only a couple of individuals that you consider "real friends". You teach strong family values. Keep your feet planted in them, but don't overlook a bad situation when it does happen.

(51-60 points) You are ELIZABETH TAYLOR:
Everyone is in awe of you. You know what you want and how to get it. You have more friends than you know what to do with. Your word is your bond.
Everyone knows when you say something it is money in the bank. You attract the opposite sex. Your intelligence overwhelms most. Your memory is the next thing to photographic. Everyone admires you because you are so considerate and lovable. You know how to enjoy life and treat people right.

February 26th ~ Dominos

I'm third from the back... Doh!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

February 23rd ~ Snow Falling on Egg Beaters

They've been planning it for a year. They took "Wilderness Survival" courses. They've packed. We've paid.

2 nights of snow camping and learning to ski.

It was to be my middle son's first time doing this..and the 2nd time for Mr. Teen.

Monday Mr Teen came down with 104.8 temp. To the Doc we went. The flu he has. Begged for anit-viral meds since we caught it so quickly. This morning his fever is finally down... There is hope that he'll be able to go tomorrow. And before I blinked my eyes with relief ~ my middle son woke with a high fever.... He's in tears. I'm in tears.

There will be other weekends, but sheeeeeeesh.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

February 22nd ~ Do that to me one more time

I would so do Ace Young from American Idol

Alas, hubby said no. lol

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

February 21st ~ Her slumps her slumps have transformed into humps

Like the title of this post? lol

(Side note: Why can't the Black Eyed Peas write something my 7 year old daughter can sing to without causing me to go gray? Just wondering... lol) was in a slump for quite some time. It was a combination of things, some I've written about, some I haven't. But it has been rough. And I felt as though the whole world could tell....could see on my face....that I was strung out and not my normal self. What happened to Happy Trudy? Where did the relaxed, cheerful me go? Was this menopause? Was I just becoming old and cranky? Had I morphed into Witchy Woman, or what?

I kept asking hubby, but he said he hadn't noticed. (I think that was his survival instinct kicking in.) The kids were always asking me, "What's wrong, Mom?" so I KNEW they were picking up on it. Finally, I asked a couple of close friends. One had noticed the change for about a year (which was startling...but reassuring in an odd way). And the other noticed it in a lesser way, but probably a more significant one. She commented that when she used to see me driving by with the kids, I appeared serene and queen-like, with a small smile always on my face.....and she'd noticed that I'd lost that expression.

Well sheeeeeeesh....that was it! I'd lost my inner queen, dammit!

I decided that the first thing I needed to do was to make a real commitment to myself to health and fitness. That was my "Today" post of a couple weeks ago, and I'm still reading it to myself daily and sticking to it as best I can. And then I decided I needed a "pick-me-up" starting with my hair (that I'd begun to hate).

I've never colored or highlighted my hair before...but I decided I needed to throw caution to the wind....put myself in someone else's hands...and just go for it.

I asked the haggard looking stylist to make me younger. (She looked like she needed a little pampering herself, so I panicked that I may have said the wrong thing.) She didn't have the liposuction equipment set up in the salon, dammit. What happened to the one-stop-shopping concept? Anyway, I digress. So she suggested a perm first. I'm thinking poodle....and she swears on the life of her ancestors that I will not look like a poodle.


Aren't her ancestors already dead?

Was that an empty promise?

By the time I'd figured that out, I was covered in big purple rods and stinking like a chemical plant.

When she took them out, and I looked in the mirror....I was stressed. My hair had been very long...
(dead ends ....dry.....crappy looking...but long)...below my bra strap..and now it was only a couple of inches below my shoulder..and layered. Did my face look fat? What would happen when those curls dried?

She was smiling like she'd created a masterpiece....and I was sweating with "What have I done?" stench.

I paid her and left a bigger tip than any rational person completely-in-love-with-their-hair would have, because I didn't want her to think I didn't like it. I was proving that I loved it. After making an appointment for a hair color the next week (because, yes Imma Whackjob), I got into the car and tried to think positively.

Miraculously, as my hair dried in the car, the curls were soft and flattering and I did look younger. (wipes brow in relief)

Are you wondering about the color/highlights? How can slumps turn into humps? That will have to be part two because the kids aren't dressed for school and I haven't made lunches....God, do I even have bread? What the heck am I on the computer?? arrrrrrgh Oh yeah...the rush of being behind. I forgot. (snort)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

February 19th ~ Holy Moly!

ok ~ Guess what? I was reading Ro's blog yesterday ...and oddly enough when I "commented" on it I discovered that I was the first to reply....which was fun since she gets hundreds. Anyway, so tonight (after finally getting the slumber-party-7-year-olds to sleep) I read her blog....and she mentioned my comment in the first line!!

How kewl is that? I feel like an audience member who ended up as a guest on her show! LOL :)

The other comments she mentioned, were funny or moving or sad. I felt kinda honored to even be included.

Hey, I'm easy. She likes me. :) lol (Let me have my illusions!)(Or should we call them delusions? ) :) and Psssssst Ro...thanks

Thursday, February 16, 2006

February 16th ~ Reasons

I fell in love with you first because of your stupid jokes mixed with your obviously big heart and your integrity.

Along the way, I discovered that I could depend on you in ways that I didn't expect. You lift me up when I fall. You patch my heartaches with your tenderness. You hold tightly onto the reigns when I thrash about irrationally. You realign my planets...and instinctively know when they need realigning.

Sometimes I get jealous of your calm. Sometimes it pisses me off that you are rational. Sometimes I want to fight with you, because I want to know that I'm not the only crazy one...and that you can get crazed too.

But mostly, I just feel loved by you. And so very lucky to have you. And the kids are lucky too....because imagine how warped they'd be if they only had me. :)

I love you , Dearly....and I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass sometimes.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

February 11 th ~ And Bunko was its name-o

Have you ever played Bunko?

I live on one of those streets......probably like on Desperate Housewives....although I'm not sure because I've never seen that.
But it's a court of 16 houses. Varying age groups of people...including 21 children. We have a "mayor". Everyone knows everyone, watches out for each other's kids and grandkids, brings food to those with an illness, attend each other's births, weddings and funerals.

For hubby, it can sometimes be "too much neighborliness", but for me it's wonderful.

The women on the street decided to start a "Bunko" group. They alternate houses and husbands/kids leave while the game is going. I'd never played before, but it's a dice game that require 12 players. Because I'm so busy, and feel stretched too thin, I decided to just be an alternate instead of a "player". Being a player is a monthly commitment.

Last night was the first time I played.

I think I burned more calories playing that game than I would have if I'd run for 90 minutes.

I lost my voice.

You have to be loud when you get a Bunko. I think I may have been loud when Anyone got a Bunko. And I'd only had about a half a glass of wine.

I got swept up in the moment.

And I kept winning some other thing.....I forget what it was called...three of a kind that wasn't a Bunko...but I'd have to wear a necklace thing when I'd win that.

So I yelled out desperately: "I need a string of pearls!"

I'm not sure anyone else has as dirty of a mind as I do.


Friday, February 10, 2006

February 10th ~ Hugs

Today is day 4 or 5 of my "Today" commitment...and I'm still on the highway I want to be on.

On a side note to all: Hug each other. Call someone you should call. When/if stress overtakes you today, remember what you have and take a deep breath. Sometimes we just need to be present in the moment, silencing inner chaos, and breathing in the gifts that we have in our lives.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

February 9th ~ Unforgettable

Have you ever known someone whose smile makes everyone around them smile? Whose laughter is so engaging that it makes you laugh? Whose happiness is obvious and contagious?

That describes my friend D.

Today she lost her battle with cancer. She leaves behind a husband who knew she lit the stars and two wonderful young children who have her face super-imposed on theirs, and her personality radiates from them.

I can't imagine never seeing her again.

It wasn't that we were close friends, but we were more than acquaintances. There was warmth and shared humor between us every time we spoke.

Her family is large and close..thankfully. They will surround her husband and their children and tenderly wrap them up. As will all of their friends.

I feel close to her sister-in-law (the two of them grew up together and were closer than any two sisters).....and was at a complete loss today when I saw her. I hugged her and asked if she wanted to talk... she didn't. She couldn't. She was trying to hold it together...probably for her young daughter...but maybe also for herself. It's so hard to see someone's heart broken...and to not be able to do anything.

I don't want advice on what I could have or should have done. There is no perfect answer in a situation like this. I know that.

But I still feel such a sense of grief and helplessness. It's awful.

I keep putting myself in her shoes. And in the shoes of her children. And her husband.

I just want to blanket myself with my family and my friends and hold on to all of you.

Monday, February 06, 2006

February 6th ~ Today

Today I will listen to my body
I will not close my eyes when I stand on the scale.

Today I will not wonder why I've been so oddly cranky for the past few weeks. I will listen to my inner voice and DO something about it.

Today I will commit to exercising daily, even though I don't want to. I have to.

Today I will go to war with my self-control. And I will win.

Today I will pay attention to the changes I must make. I will keep them in the front of my mind. I will not ignore them...or pretend to.

Today I will face the lonliness of making these changes. I will except that even with support, ultimately it is up to me. I will stand up to myself.
I will stand up for myself.

Today is the day I change my life.

I'm afraid. But today I will not let fear defeat me.

Today I will not be lazy.

Today I will not hide from people.

Today I am writing this down so that when tomorrow is today, I can read it, and remember what I have to do.

Today I will tell my inner voices of temptation to go screw themselves. I'm in charge today.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

January 31st ~ The Crookedest Road and the Hungriest Teen

We had such a great time with our newly teenaged son in SF last weekend. :) It was really fun spending time with JUST him.

How often does a kid get the full attention of BOTH parents for an extended period of time?

We let him choose anything he wanted to do for the day. We went to a couple of museums of which was the MOMA. (The first museum was fun but relatively uneventful.)

He'd never been there before.

Well......we all know that art is subjective, right?

And, you know what you are getting when you see Matisse or Picasso..

However, a few of the other exhibits were....well......more adult oriented. lol

One in particular: Peter Sarkisian's Dusted (installation view), 1998 Mixed media and video:

Dusted uses a five-channel video projection to animate a white cube so that it appears to be a glass container entrapping two naked figures. There also appears to be a lint-like film on the glass cube you are looking through....and as the moving figures "inside" the cube brush body parts against the inside of the cube...the lint is cleared away making your view of them more clear. Like using your hand to wipe off a foggy mirror... The sound of voices whispering the names of men and women make you feel as though you are looking at something secret...something you aren't supposed to be walking in on... the room with this piece was completely dark....except for the cube in the middle of the room. We walked into it completely unaware of what was in there. And although we could hear the couldn't make out what they were saying very easily. You had to strain to understand the voices.... and in the same was hard to know what was in the cube. At first it appeared to just be shadows....and shapes. As you looked though, the nude bodies could clearly be seen.

So.... realizing that this was likely making our son uncomfortable, and feeling equally that if I was in there alone or just with hubby, I'd probably have stayed and watched that cube for hours on end, I made a hasty exit, son following with a look of stunned surprise.

"Well, THAT was interesting," he said in a baffled voice.

I laughed. "Sorry, I didn't know we were in the sex-ed wing of the Museum!"

The next exhibit was equally wild... in part, depicting life-sized wax female nude sculptures, including some with unusual things protruding from their bums. hmmmm

So we quickly went to the other, tamer, floors of the museum. lol

The Chuck Close self-portraits were amazing!

Anyway, it was pouring rain (as you can probably tell by the photo of the crookedest Street above) ALL day. That didn't deter our fun though. We walked and walked...umbrella-less....drenched.....but happy.

We spent a couple of hours in the Metreon. Father and son played in the arcade....I was so bone tired from all of the walking we'd done that I watched them from the sports bar inside the arcade. A Corona light recharged my batteries. lol IT has amazing recharge qualities. I noticed a few other mom's recovering in the same way. lol

We then proceeded to China Town. It was festive (the night before Chinese New Year) and fun. Mr. Teen bought some fun Chinese tchatchkis and then we had dinner in a spectacular Chinese restaurant. We ordered some unusual things he hadn't tried before. Wonderful. (sigh) He kept eating and eating. lol

We got home really late..exhausted....but relaxed and happy about the success of the day.

Our next son is counting the month's until HIS 13th birthday.

14 months to go for him. :)